Lemon Madeleines with a Lemon Glaze
My ten year old granddaughter Gracie loves Madeleines and every dessert baked with lemons. So, we made a date to do some quarantine baking and she chose to make lemon glazed Madeleines for our project. We found a recipe that we wanted to try but we didn't have the right size Madeleine pan so we improvised using 2 Swedish tart pans for the batter we couldn't fit into our pan. The Swedish French Madeleines turned out to be our favorites and the good news was that we didn't have any problem turning out the delicate little cakes from our tart pans, as well as our heavily buttered Madeleine pan.
Lucky me I had about 6 small Meyer lemons that made just enough juice for the glaze and zest for the Madeleines. Not so lucky me I sent Gracie home with all the lemon Mads and now as I write I have no Mads to nibble. Sad.
Madeleines are a French pastry classic that I've made several times but today I'm not going to share the recipe I'm going to share the cookbook- in the French kitchen with kids- by my friend, Mardi Michels, a French teacher and blogger. Gracie and I are going to quarantine bake our way through this lovely family cookbook, if you would like to bake along with us, this cookbook can be ordered on Amazon.
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